E Aloha Ka Kou! In the Hawaiian language we say “Aloha au ia oi mauloa” this means that I will love you forever.
_________ & ___________, this is the commitment you two make to one another on this day.
It is a life long commitment to love each other in your marriage. We have all come here in this beautiful
Hawaiian setting to celebrate with you and to offer our support and encouragement to both of you for today marks a new beginning in your lives and your relationship with each other. For from this day forward in society and amongst family and friends you will always be looked upon as husband and wife.
We are here to celebrate the importance of love in our lives and that special quality of love that is so apparent in the lives of a man and woman who will give themselves in marriage. We celebrate your union, a union that will make you one in heart, mind and body.
Nothing is easier than saying words and nothing is harder than living those words day after day. What you two promise to each other today before God and family are words and promises to be renewed and re-decided each day that unfolds before you.
________ & ___________at the end of this ceremony you will be husband and wife. You still must choose each day that unfolds before you that you will love each other un-conditionally and remain committed to each other.
Real love is something beyond the warmth and glow, the excitement and romance of being deeply in love. It is caring as much about the welfare and happiness of your marriage partner as you do about your own. Real love is not total absorption in each other, but it is looking outward in the same direction together. Love makes burdens lighter because you divide them. It makes your joys more intense, because you share them. It makes you stronger, so you can reach out and become involved with life and with people in ways you dare not risk alone.
_____ and _____, is it in this spirit and for this purpose that you two are here today to exchange your marriage vows?
Answer: Yes, we have.
_____and _____, here are some words to live by: (Your Mothers reading could be done here instead)
No gift you have to offer is more valuable than your love, so treasure it with all your heart and nurture it with care. Work your love into practical things so nothing can divide you. Take time from every busy day to be there for each other, to listen and to show how much you mean to one another.
Let your words be kind, gentle and loving.
Let your hearts always be ready to ask forgiveness, as well as to forgive. For a marriage filled with tenderness that’s built on trust and giving is what brings the deepest meaning and greatest joy to living.
_____ you are truly blessed to have _____ as your wife. You are to love her in such a way that the acceptance, understanding and support she finds in your love will provide her the security to express her inner light and beauty. By seeing the good in this woman, and by continually being devoted to her, you give her the strength to create more goodness in the world.
With this understanding, _____, do you take _____ to be your wife/ husband, and will you pledge your faithfulness to her / him in all love and honor, in all duty and service, in all faith and tenderness, to continue to live with her / him and cherish her / him in your sacred union of marriage? Answer, “I will”.
_____, you would be blessed to have _____ as your husband. You are to love him in such a way that he may find within himself a greater sense of who he is meant to be. By seeing the good in this man and by being continually devoted to him, you give him the strength to stand for what is just, right, and good in the world.
_____ and _____, the union of marriage is nurtured and sustained by love. In turn, it is your steadfast commitment that makes your love grow deep. For without love, there is no purpose of joy in marriage. That word love has been defined in many different ways but no greater way than these words I would like to share with you. _________ &____________, I would like to encourage both of to listen very closely and to reflect upon how you two might share this kind of love in your marriage.
The love that each of you should aspire towards is a love that expresses itself in patience and kindness. It is not jealous or boastful: it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way. It is not easily angered and it keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in wrong but rejoices with the truth. Love has no limits to its endurance, no end to its trust, and no fading of its hopes. When all else has fallen, love still stands.”
In the Hawaiian language it is spoken “ E kolu mea nui, Ame kealoha kealoha kai oi ahe, po maikai, na mea apau.” Which means the three greatest things in this life are faith, hope, and love and the greatest of these three is love.
And there is no greater commitment of love in this life that two people can enter into than the commitment of marriage.
Traditional Vows may be used or if couple have their own selected vows. Repeating.
I __________take you__________to be my beloved wife/husband. To have and to hold from this day forward and I do promise (before God) to be your faithful and loving Husband/wife. For richer and for poorer, in joy and in sorrow, in sicknesses and in health, for as long as we both shall live.
And so now , as you two have selected your own vows to share with each other this day, let the words of those vows come forth from the depths of the love that you have in your hearts for each other.
Vow to be read to each other.
Your rings represent the eternal nature of true love. As
their circles are never-ending, so let your commitment to this union be never-ending.
_____, as you present this ring, repeat after me:
With this ring I thee wed and I pledge you my love now and forever.
( Optional Lei exchange )
Optional prayer and blessing. (If Christian ceremony, a prayer and blessing will be given)
(_____ and _____, may God bless you and keep you. May He cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May he lift the smile of His countenance upon you and give you peace.)
________ &_________, may you be blessed every step of your
path by the light of your love, may you live in harmony
and joy, may your days be filled with the rewards of your
generosity and goodness, and may your days together be
filled with contentment.
(Butterfly Release. May the release of these butterflies
Represent your hearts truly being released to freely love
one another unreservedly.)
You may now seal your vows with a Kiss |